The Trip So Far


On What Do You Stand?

Filed under: Real Life Christianity — John Miltenberger @ 08:51


            Without Jesus Christ, there is no such thing as moral high ground.  Do not waste the short time you’ve been allotted trying to discover this elusive ingredient to a worthwhile life, by searching anywhere else.  It only exists in Christ.

            If you say God exists, yet fail to place Jesus in His proper place, you are building a moral foundation on a lie; we always lie to ourselves first.  Without Jesus Christ, what you believe about God the Father is irrelevant.  Everyone has an opinion, but without Jesus Christ as your Savior, any other beliefs about God will not save you.  In fact, Jesus Christ is the only divinely ordained personification of moral high ground; anything else having a pretense of morality, is only a charade, a safe place of your own imagination, and soon enough, we will all face God and be asked, “What did you do about Jesus when you lived?”  And God only asks rhetorical questions; those are the only kind of questions He can ask.

            When my wife and I moved into our present neighborhood, we joined an online platform called Nextdoor (.com).  It consists of “neighbors” in our locality and our city.  Perhaps you have one like it in your area.  Reading some of the recent posts, it was uplifting to realize there are still people who are able to think logically, and who value truth and morality, but there were also posts, mostly from young folks, that exhibited the almost complete ignorance of anything or anyone farther afield than their own noses.  Consequently, I’m going to state my own opinion: we have, living among us, at least one generation of terrible parents, and they have spawned devil’s children that have no idea what morality is, or where it originates from, and worse, do not want to know.  Their entire world-view ends with themselves…everyone else can go to hell, as far as they’re concerned.

            If I sleep with my neighbor’s wife, and it is consensual, were either of us “wrong”?  If I repudiate God’s clear admonition against homosexuality, or bestiality, and I do not identify the guilt of sin in my actions, am I wrong?  How can I be wrong if I do not feel wrong?  If my sense of morality is subjective to me, and I encounter others that have the same standards, how can we be held guilty?  What about murder?  What if I kill others for money, and interact with others in my line of work…are we to be condemned, and if so, by whom?  If you leave your car in your driveway with the keys in it, and I steal it, why would I be guilty?  You made the mistake; all I did was take what you left out.  How could that be wrong?

            There can be no such word as “wrong” if there is no objective standard of “right”, and the only objective standard in the universe is God, and the only way to Him is through Jesus Christ.  Our entire basic framework of law and justice originated with God, but over the years we’ve mangled and twisted that framework to fit our twisted and demented view of morality.  On open display in America today are numerous “Judges” who should themselves be judged.  And they were “appointed”, or voted in, if you believe it, by folks who richly deserve what they now have.  It’s always fair if it happens to you; it is not fair if it happens to me.

            It saddens me without measure to see and hear so many ignorant and completely self-consumed young folks we have in this country, for whether we like it or not, they are our future.  And as they continue to impact our moral standards in this country by their increasing entry into our society (and they vote!), we will have problems dumped in our laps we cannot escape.  It is already beginning, and like chickens breaking through their shells, they will soon dominate our national culture.  As one true racist accurately prophesied some years ago, “America’s chicken’s have come home to roost.”

            Never in American history has it been more critical for us to re-locate and re-adopt the true standards of morality that once upon a time facilitated the birth of this country.  And if we don’t, may I say this:

            I’m old; I have a lot to look forward to sooner than later…but I pity my grandkids.



  1. Trying to email you with no success – New American Prophet

    Comment by apmichael — 04/09/2024 @ 20:13 | Reply

  2. Michael, I don’t understand the problem. Is there an address I can use to send writings to you?

    Comment by John Miltenberger — 04/10/2024 @ 04:34 | Reply

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